We will make some checks to confirm that:
This process usually takes one to four weeks.
If we think we can look at your complaint, one of our caseworkers will then contact you and will explain the steps that they will take. They may also collect information from both yourself and the public body you have complained about in order to investigate your complaint. This may include relevant personal information including financial or medical information. When they have completed this, they will contact you to let you know the outcome. This may be by phone or in writing.
We investigate complaints as speedily as possible. The time taken to investigate your complaint will depend on how complex it is. In around 75% of cases we usually make a decision on a complaint in less than 3 months. In around 90% of cases we reach our decision within 6 months. More complex cases can take longer.
The Ombudsman upholds or partially upholds complaints in around 30% of cases. In another 20% of cases we provide some form of assistance, for example, a better explanation from the public body.
The Ombudsman is independent of government. Our caseworkers investigate complaints in an impartial way. This means that we are fair to both the person making the complaint and the public body that you have complained about. You can find out more in our short information video on our website www.ombudsman.ie
Yes. We will keep you updated on the progress of our investigation of your complaint.