You can make a complaint through this website or call us if you have a query at 01 639 5600.
Bicycle Parking
Bicycle parking is available in front of our office.
There is a DublinBikes station opposite our office in front of the National Concert Hall (Earlsfort Terrace).
If you are using the Luas
We are an 8-minute walk (approx.) from the Harcourt Stop (Green Line Luas).
If you are using the bus
Multiple buses stop on Camden Street, Harcourt Street, Leeson Street and Earlsfort Terrace.
If you are using the train
We are a 20-minute walk (approx.) from Pearse Street Station.
If you are using a taxi
There is a taxi rank outside our office on Earlsfort Terrace.
Check for more information about travel options.
We examine complaints relating to public services in Ireland such as those from government departments, local authorities and the HSE. We also examine complaints about private nursing homes.
We do not examine complaints about banks, insurance companies, internet providers, airline travel, private companies, consumer issues or An Garda Siochána. To contact the relevant complaint handler see this list.
For complaints you can make a complaint through our online complaint form.
For general enquiries you can call us on 01 639 5600. You can also submit your enquiry through our ‘Make an enquiry’ form below. If you do not wish to use our online complaint form , you can request a hard copy complaint form, and we will post it to you.
For media enquiries contact
We provide help to people with disabilities wishing to access our services. Contact details for our Access Officer are available on our Accessibility page.