Policy on gifts and hospitality
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This policy covers the Office of the Ombudsman, the Office of the Information Commissioner (OIC), the Office of the Commissioner for Environmental Information (OCEI), the Standards in Public Office Commission (SIPOC), the Commission for Public Service Appointments (CPSA) and the Office of the Protected Disclosures Commissioner (OPDC), when established. The six Offices each carry out separate and distinct statutory functions. Nonetheless they function as a single amalgamated agency under one Vote and one Accounting Officer and a management team which manages the Office, while simultaneously protecting and preserving the statutory independence and functions of each of the constituent parts. Each Office has its own staff complement but the finance, human resources, legal, communications and information technology functions are shared.
The Ombudsman and Information Commissioner, is appointed by the President on the nomination of the Oireachtas, as a statutory officer for a fixed contract period (“the Ombudsman”). He will be the Protected Disclosures Commissioner, and he is a member of the Commission for SIPO, CPSA and the Referendum Commission, when established. For ease of reference, he is referred to in this document as the Ombudsman. The staff in the Office are civil servants of the State.
Rules concerning the receipt of gifts and permitted hospitality by Civil Servants are set out in the Civil Service Code of Standards and Behaviour. There is also guidance from the Standards in Public Office Commission, by way of information notice, on gifts to civil servants. As a general rule the use of their official position by civil servants to benefit themselves or others with whom they have personal or business ties is strictly forbidden. Every care must be taken to ensure that any acceptance of hospitality or gifts does not influence or is not perceived to influence the discharging of official functions. The test to be used is the “reasonable bystander” test (i.e. whether the reasonable bystander witnessing the transaction could reasonably assume that a gift was given to influence the person in the course of their functions, or to buy goodwill in the hope of future influence). That it does not have the intended effect, is irrelevant. What matters is that the public needs to have confidence that the civil service is not doing favours in exchange for gifts and in this regard, perception is just as important.
The documents referenced below must be strictly adhered to at all times:
https://circulars.gov.ie/pdf/circular/finance/2004/26.pdf - Sections 16 (Gifts) and 17 (Hospitality) are of particular relevance.
The points below set out the key points on the Office policy on gifts but should be read in conjunction with the two documents referred to above. All staff should be familiar with these documents and should consult the Head of Corporate Services for guidance should an issue or doubt arise. The giving or receiving of gifts is generally not permitted, however, occasionally the Office performs a diplomatic role when visiting or receiving guests from other countries. On these occasions, the Ombudsman may deem it culturally appropriate to accept or to present a modest token to his/her guests or hosts.
The Director General must approve any case in which these limits are exceeded.
This policy is subject to review by the Management Advisory Committee every two years. The next review will be carried out in August 2024.
Version 1 Created September 2020
Version 2 Updated August 2022